Finis Jhung Ballet Series Podcast 19


Summary: The Finis Jhung Ballet Technique Level 5 Intermediate Centerwork on Turns & Jumps Exercise 3. Chaînés turns, pas de bourrée, pirouettes en dehors, port de bras Finis shows the exercise step by step and then it is demonstrated and coached with these Teaching Points: This exercise works your eyes, improves your spotting, and reinforces the pirouette preparation. Think of your chaînés turns as a 2-count en dehors turn: on count 1 you step forward on the first foot and on count 2 you make a full turn on the second foot. Beginners will find it easier to spot if they point the front hand where they will spot. The formula is step & turn, step & turn. The en dehors pirouette is done facing the mirror so you can watch yourself prepare correctly: coiling the spine, reaching back with the supporting arm and shoulder, making the "S" curve with the leading arm while bending the supporting knee past the supporting toes and going to "The End of the Plié". Saige Miller of the JKO School at ABT demonstrates and improves after Finis coaches her.