An Interview with Freeman Burt and Bob - "The Highwaymen" - #172

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Summary: This episode is an interview with Freeman Burt and Bob, titled “Highwaymen” and is being released on Friday, August 28, 2013. This interview with Burt and Bob was recorded today, Aug 28, 2013. Excuse the delay on this episode. Burt and I had recorded this show 5 days ago but both of us had our recordings fail. So we’ve re-recorded the entire show. In this episode Freeman Burt is back to discuss the “highwaymen”, or highway robbers - those code enforcement officers who use tricks on us and strip our consent for their commerce codes and statutes – that don’t actually apply to us. In old times the highwayman was the robber who held you at gun point or threat of violence on the highway to extort money and goods from you – one of the most heinous crimes - a crime punishable by death. With Burt is “Bob” who scored a recent victory in California to tell us how he managed to escape the highwaymen. What can you do in the face of extortion on the side of the highway? Should you defend your rights there on the side of the highway, or in the courts? Bouvier’s Law Dictionary: HIGHWAYMAN. A robber on the highway. HIGHWAY. A passage or road through the country, or some parts of it, for the use of the people. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 442. The term highway is said to be a generic name for all kinds of public ways. 6 Mod R, 255. 2. Highways are universally laid out by public authority and repaired at the public expense, by direction of law. 4 Burr. Rep. 2511. 3. The public have an easement over a highway, of which the owner of the land cannot deprive them; but the soil and freehold still remain in the owner, and he may use the land above and below consistently with the easement. He may, therefore, work a mine, sink a drain or water course, under the highway, if the easement remains unimpaired. Vide Road; Street; Way; and 4 Vin. Ab. 502; Bac. Ab. h. t.; Com. Dig. Chemin; Dane's Ab. Index, h. t.; Egremont on Highways; Wellbeloved on Highways; Woolrych on Ways; 1 N. H. Rep. 16; 1 Conn. R. 103; 1 Pick. R. 122; 1 M'Cord's R. 67; 2 Mass. R. 127; 1 Pick. R. 122; 3 Rawle, R. 495; 15 John. R. 483; 16 Mass. R.33; 1 Shepl. R. 250; 4 Day, R. 330; 2 Bail. R. 271; 1 Yeates, Rep. 167. 4. The owners of lots on opposite sides of a highway, are prima facie owners, each of one half of the highway,, 9 Serg. & Rawle, 33; Ham. Parties, 275; Bro. Abr. Nuisance, pl. 18 and the owner may recover the possession in ejectment, and have it delivered to him, subject to the public easement. Adams on Eject. 19, 18; 2 Johns. Rep. 357; 15 Johns. Rep.447; 6 Mass. 454; 2 Mass. 125. 5. If the highway is impassable, the public have the right to pass over the adjacent soil; but this rule does not extend to private ways, without an express grant. Morg. Vad. Mec. 456-7; 1 Tho. Co. Lit. 275; note 1 Barton, Elem. Conv. 271; Yelv. 142, note 1. DRIVER. One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle, with horses, mules, or other animals. 2. Frequent accidents occur in consequence of the neglect or want of skill of drivers of public stage coaches, for which the employers are responsible. 3. The law requires that a driver should possess reasonable skill and be of good habits for the journey; if, therefore, he is not acquainted with the road he undertakes to drive; 3 Bingh. Rep. 314, 321; drives with reins so loose that he cannot govern his horses; 2 Esp. R. 533; does not give notice of any serious danger on the road; 1 Camp. R. 67; takes the wrong side of the road; 4 Esp. R. 273; incautiously comes in collision with another carriage; 1 Stark. R. 423; 1 Campb. R. 167; or does not exercise a sound and reasonable discretion in travelling on the road, to avoid dangers and difficulties, and any accident happens by which any passenger is injured, both the driver and his employers will be responsible. 2 Stark. R. 37; 3 Engl. C. L. (continued)