Ep 215: James Mathison

The Osher Günsberg Podcast show

Summary: James Mathison is an Australian TV Presenter, writer, father, activist and now politician.  James and I worked together for many years on Australian Idol, and before that we worked together on Channel [v]. I've known Jim since 2000 and he's still one of the most clever people I've ever met.  He'll read a paper cover to cover every day, read a book a week, and still find time to be a brilliant father to his two wonderful girls.  James came around and we shot the breeze at my old place back in Bondi about 18 months ago, so this chat is a little dated but it's worth listening to because this guy has a brain the size of a planet and he has this ability to calm me down about things I get fired up about.  Y'see when I'm still mad that the Polar Bears are dying and we're still burning coal, Jimmy is calm and considerate and thinking about alternatives that both sides of the political spectrum can get behind.  You can let him know you heard him here on Twitter @jamesmathison (https://twitter.com/jamesmathison)  He's a very smart man, and a very funny man, and I'm sure you'll love this conversation with James Mathison.