Ep 229: Bernie Black

The Osher Günsberg Podcast show

Summary: Bernie Black is the CEO of Brave Foundation, and the author of the book "Brave Little Bear: The inspirational Story of a Teenage Mother".  Bernie's story is not uncommon, but it's something we don't really speak about still.  Teenage pregnancy.  I know that Bernie's story will resonate with many people listening, and I am sure it might even be confronting to some people listening.  Bernie has not only built an incredible life for her son, and now larger family - she's risen to create an incredible career for herself as the CEO of Brave Foundation - and you'll hear how she's making a massive difference not only with stigma reduction and support for teenage parents, but on a broad policy level here in Australia.   You might not be trying to tackle a powerful social issue like teenage pregnancy, you might just be trying to tackle getting your kids to ease up on screen time and engage more in real time - it doesn't matter, Bernie's story will leave you inspired about what is possible no matter what circumstances face you. And that with support and a solid reframe, many situations can turn out way better than you thought in the first place.  You can find out more about the incredible work that Brave Foundation does for expecting and parenting teens at http://bravefoundation.org.au/  Enjoy this conversation with Bernie Black.