Ep 233: Simon Hill

The Osher Günsberg Podcast show

Summary: Simon Hill is an entrepreneur and advocate for plant-based eating. Originally from Melbourne, he's now based in Bondi Beach. You can find him on Instagram @plant_proof and online at plantproof.com - a guide to living a plant-based diet for people who like to be on the more active side of life.Simon's story is just remarkable.He is one of Australia's most successful young entrepreneurs, investors, and advisors.As we talked he was very humble about his businesses - just casually dropping that he started a "tea company" while he was working as a physiotherapist.The tea company he's referring to is the absolutely massive YourTea.com, giving people access to herbs and teas used in traditional Chinese medicine.But you'd never know he's one of my country's most successful entrepreneurs, he's also one of the people behind Organic Village Foods and Bean Body Care.Simon's a very smart, very humble man.Devastatingly handsome with eyes like turquoise tropical lagoons, Simon's focus now is on advocating for a plant-based lifestyle.If you look at a photo of him, you'll notice that he is cut like a chopped salad.The man works out.And Plant Proof was inspired by Simon's own experience with transitioning from eating animal foods to a plant-based diet.As we discuss, initially he shared many common fears among men and women, who are doing the same thing.If I stop eating meat am I going to lose muscle?With all those carbs will I gain fat and feel bloated? What about my iron?Will I get enough protein?There are answers to all of these questions, and we talk about most of them in this show.What I love most about Simon isn't just his inspirational journey - but that he doesn't throw health claims around willy nilly.He only talks about stuff that is backed up by hard science. He won't make a claim that isn't backed by a reference to a peer-reviewed journal study.And in this day of Instagram experts touting miracle cures - that is an important thing to have.To add even more clout to what he's talking about, Simon is currently studying a Masters in Nutrition so that he can come at anyone with cold hard facts at fifty paces.He's a great guy, I hope you enjoy getting to know Simon Hill.