BoF #50 – Recapping Episodes 21-50

Business of Film show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br> Welcome back to Business of Film, episode 50. This episode we take a look back at things we learned in our last 30 episodes. Recorded but not forgotten.<br> The purpose of this episode is to go back to those first initial episodes and highlight some of the bigger take aways. Also, since we’ve covered a lot of ground since first starting the podcast, I wanted newer listeners to have a bit of a tour of the information and topics covered.<br> So, if you are new, and wanted to go back to previous episodes for some deeper insights, I hope this episode helps.<br> Enjoy!<br> We hope you enjoy this episode. Please leave us a review on <a href="" target="_blank">iTunes</a>, it really helps, and we appreciate it. We’ll even send you a digital muffin.<br> <a href=""></a><br> Also, if you have any comments or questions, just write’em below or find us on <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.<br>