Fat. Skinny. I was still miserable. Weight isn’t the key to happiness.

French Kiss Life by Tonya Leigh show

Summary: Do you obsess over your weight? Do you pinch, obsess over and curse your fat? That was me years ago. When I looked in the mirror, there I stood 75 pounds more than my ideal weight. That’s when I went on a mission to get rid of my fat. For the next decade, I dieted, exercised and went to even more extreme measures to lose weight. Yet, the harder I tried, the harder it became. Finally, I tried something different, something that radically changed not only me weight, but my life. I listened to what my fat was really telling me and started approaching my life with elegance. Register for my free video course, “The 3 Truths of Elegant Women” here: www.frenchkisslife.com/elegant