Episode 31 – Failure in the Geek Game

Monkey in the Cage Productions show

Summary: Being a geek is an investment in time, money, and most importantly interest.  But what happens when the time isn't available or the interest isn't there?  With so many things to keep up on, past and present, it can often be difficult to stay on top of what-is-what and to be as informed and exposed as possible.  Join us this week as we reveal some of our personal shortcomings in geekdom.  Whether it's geek-centric things we flat out don't enjoy or haven't had the pleasure of getting our hands on, we all come clean on our holes in the geek game.  Don't be hatin', but get your hate-mail ready (and remember to send it to Matt) after this week's episode of Monkey in the Cage. (00:55) - Matt catches up on some comic reading and actually listens to some podcasts... finally! - Captain America: Winter Soldier, Gamerstable, and  Happy Jacks RPG Podcast. (04:43) - Ramses brings us the awesomeness of the interwebs. - Dubai's Discus Hotel, and Jack Streat's Lego Guns. (08:58) - Robert talks about the (Lego) Man keeping Serenity down, his experience at the Renaissance Faire, and his suffering through Duke Nukem Forever.  Plus Octomom sells out! (15:35) - Karen pushed through the "baby plague" to record, but was able to get some quality geek time in before she went bubonic. - The Adventures of Tintin and Justice League: Doom. (26:14) - It's topic time!  Karen and Ramses are on the outside looking in when it comes to MMORPGs, Matt doesn't get Final Fantasy, and we're all out of the loop on anime. (35:10) - If something interests the geek inside of us, then why don't we make the effort?  Or why can't we just let go and test new waters?  We choose sides on comic books, Robert hates The Hobbit, and Matt is forever a Muggle.  Plus, how can half of this podcast NOT be Star Wars fans?? (43:45) - Sci-Fi be damned!!! We discuss Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, and the X-Files. (47:21) - Matt reveals the unforgivable, challenges are made, and Robert has it out for the media. - The Goonies, Saved by The Bell, and The Big Bang Theory. (51:23) - Time, timing, and money can be a huge obstacles when making the geek investment, oh, and having a kid too. - Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, Warhammer, and Archer. (54:34) - Ramses chose a side and may not be able to switch, Matt comes at Ramses, and Karen drops a bombshell! - xBox 360, the Street Fighter Franchise, and Tabletop RPGs. Closing Song - Everything About You - written and performed by Ugly Kid Joe . . . . .