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[서버이전] 프랙티쿠스 영어책 해설 show

Summary: 71.To finish my work on time, I had to pull an all-nighter.72.Maybe it's just me, but I don't think John is a good singer.73.Why don't you give it a shot and try out for the soccer team?74.When I was fired from my job, I was really caught off guard.75.I give you my word that I will finish it by the end of the week.76.He won't be able to find a new apartment on such short notice.77.If the sales reach a critical mass, profitability will also improve.78.Children often do not live up to their parents' lofty expectations.79.I had a hunch from the beginning that we would end up together.80.You're an hour late today, but I'm going to let it slide this time.