회화 중급도약 100문장 9회

[서버이전] 프랙티쿠스 영어책 해설 show

Summary: 81.He failed to follow through on his promises to reform his party.82.The new marketing plans will be executed upon the CEO's sign-off.83.I wanted to have time to sit down with my boss and discuss matters.84.Students don't have a say on how their courses should be graded.85.It looks like you are having trouble juggling all your responsibilities. 86.When we finished drinking last night, my manager picked up the tab.87.Stop passing the buck, and start taking some individual responsibility.88.After going through the investigative reports, things just don't add up.89.I'm not comfortable with the way my boss handles his team members.90.There are trade-offs in buying a netbook instead of a powerful laptop.