E49 Amir Ness - EDUCATOR AND SPEAKER | elevategroup.io | Pioneer of transparency in an opaque world

Crypto the WonderDog show show

Summary: <p>E49</p><br> <p>Amir Ness</p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>Founder at Elevate Group</p><br> <p>Senior Editor at Coindaily.co</p><br> <p>EDUCATOR AND SPEAKER | elevategroup.io | Pioneer of transparency in an opaque world</p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>I started the Elevate Group because I saw the immense opportunity that the blockchain will bring. In particular, I believe bitcoin mining on a commercial scale provides the most stable and long term approach to creating wealth from the blockchain. With that in mind, I created a platform for others like myself who believe in the blockchain to have a way to play it. I believe in full transparency in a world of opaque claims. I believe in being a leader through example, and I intend to do just that.</p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>I take pleasure from knowing how the blockchain will change things. It's a vision, and I see it growing everyday. The opportunities, the growth, the change, and what's coming. People need to learn, people need to educate, and we need to seize what's ahead of us. So many shifts are coming, decide where you want to be.</p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>Elevate8 is our platform offering for institutional investors seeking exposure to blockchain mining. We locate and aggregate mining investments, perform due diligence, employ a professional technical team, and deliver investors with a vehicle to own commercial bitcoin mining interests.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>We are committed to transparency, and sound blockchain principles such as placing all contract terms into a smart contract for verification. We believe in the long term value of the blockchain.</p><br> <p> </p><br> <p> </p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>http://elevategroup.io</p><br> <p>https://www.linkedin.com/in/amir-ness-2412826/</p><br> <p>https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-movement-empowering-people-through-possibilities-afforded-ness/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base%3BD7DCNGwnQoy1GC9zBSoRiw%3D%3D</p><br> <p><a href="https://discordapp.com/invite/v5UzGJT">https://discordapp.com/invite/v5UzGJT</a></p><br> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHbR4Xw53uCCwx67jaQgYwA?sub_confirmation=1">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHbR4Xw53uCCwx67jaQgYwA?sub_confirmation=1</a></p><br> <p><a href="https://t.me/joinchat/G_33-0m8bs5BGOxkqsHbDQ">https://t.me/joinchat/G_33-0m8bs5BGOxkqsHbDQ</a></p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>bitcoin 50 miner, bitcoin 4 you, bitcoin 3d, bitcoin 3 unlimited, bitcoin 3, bitcoin 24/7, bitcoin 2048.com, bitcoin 2048 game, bitcoin 2012, bitcoin 2 you, bitcoin 2, bitcoin 100, bitcoin 10 minutes, bitcoin 10, bitcoin 1 hour, bitcoin 0.9, bitcoin 0.10, bitcoin, bitcard bitcoin, bitbox bitcoin, bitbot bitcoin, bips bitcoin</p><br> <p> </p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>ining #best amd gpu for bitcoin mining #best alternative to bitcoin #bernard lietaer bitcoin #bernanke bitcoin #beowulf cluster bitcoin #benjamin lawsky bitcoin #ben reeves bitcoin #belastingdienst bitcoin #beginning bitcoin mining #bee bitcoin #become bitcoin miner #be blade bitcoin #bddk bitcoin #bbc news bitcoin #bbc bitcoin #banque de france bitcoin #bank to bitcoin #bank of bitcoin #bank indonesia bitcoin #bank accept bitcoin #ban bitcoin #bamt bitcoin mining #bamt bitcoin #bagaimana mendapatkan bitcoin #bagaimana cara membeli bitcoin #bafin bitcoin #b bitcoin #azure bitcoin mining #axon labs bitcoin #axon bitcoin #average time to mine</p>