Episode 183 Livestock Predation Control and Prevention

The Self-Sufficient Gardener show

Summary: On today's show I talk about how to prevent and deal with predator incursions on the homestead.  I hate to say I know a good deal about this but its only because of some mistakes I made.  At the first of the show I give you my take on this:  There are two types of livestock owners - those who have been visited by predators and those who haven't...yet. (http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s720x720/553980_339406572775838_1906262241_n.jpg) *The thin line between treating your animals like wild creatures and nurturing them like domestic ones.  Prevention *Building solid enclosures.  Some of the techniques and tricks. *Guard animals. *The value (and detriment) of having animals with attitude. Control *The biggest part of control is analysis. *The clues left behind by predators and what they mean. *What to do when you have the answers.