Can I Dropship From China To Amazon? #116 - Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads

Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads show

Summary: Dropship with Amazon<br> Drew sent in a question by email: I’ve been drop shipping from China to eBay, and it’s working great. Although I hear it’s not possible, I know someone dropshipping with Amazon, is it ok to do so?<br> Well, this doesn’t have a straight yes or no answer.<br> Drop shipping to Amazon is allowed but, not the traditional dropshipping we all know.<br> You need to be the seller of the product.<br> before I type any more, have a read below:<br> <br> Amazon’s Drop Shipping Policy<br> “Drop shipping, or allowing a third party to fulfill orders to customers on your behalf, is generally acceptable. If you intend to fulfill orders using a drop shipper, you must always:<br> <br> * Be the seller of record of your products;<br> * Identify yourself as the seller of your products on all packing slips and other information included or provided in connection with them;<br> * Be responsible for accepting and processing customer returns of your products; and<br> * Comply with all other terms of your seller agreement and applicable Amazon policies.<br> <br> Examples of drop shipping that is not permitted:<br> <br> * Purchasing products from another online retailer and having that retailer ship directly to customers; or<br> * Shipping orders with packing slips, invoices, or other information indicating a seller name or contact information other than your own.”<br> <br> <br> dropship with Amazon<br>  <br> Amazon’s TOS for dropshipping <a href=";language=en-US&amp;ref=mpbc_201808430_cont_201808410"> HERE</a><br>