Summary: The throat chakra is one of our main 7 energetic centers(even though we have many more) and it is the 5th of the main 7 chakras up. It lies in between our heart/higher heart and our third eye or brow chakra and resonates with the color Sapphire blue and the Sapphire blue ray. We also are moving in to the 5th dimension which perfectly aligns in harmonic resonance with this chakra making it of even more importance right now as we create new paradigms to exist in in alignment with the ONE or in other words our heart, unity, love, and Divine flow.The throat chakra holds space for many vibrations and embodiments; our Divine self-expression, creativity and living out our life's passion, honesty and speaking our truth, affirming what we're receiving in our world, and creating our loving boundaries on behalf of our empowered hearta long wtih creation in general. As we are in times of such rapid change, transformation, and amplification its so important that we are being conscious of the words we speak and how we are expressing ourselves as our ability to create reaches higher intensity especially when used for our highest good and the highest good of all.  xhighest blessings and light