FL 195 – We help Amanda & Joe overcome mindset hurdles and get back their momentum back to grow their online business

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Do you have something that you’re passionate about and want to build an online business on, but fear you might not know enough to actually do it?<br> <br> Maybe you feel that you’re just not credible enough for people to pay you for what you have to offer online?<br> <br> A lot of online entrepreneurs feel this -- it’s called, “Imposter Syndrome.” <br> <br> It’s exactly what you might be struggling with if you answered “yes” to our questions above.<br> <br> Even after validating your idea and digital product, even after making sales and gaining customers, this is a problem that holds many online entrepreneurs back from growing their online business.<br> <br> We will tackle this mindset issue in this week’s episode, as well as share the amazing success our guests have achieved in their online business within a short span of time despite their mindset hurdles.<br> <br> Our guests in this episode are couple-preneur, Amanda and Joe Nibley.<br> <br> Living just outside of Atlanta, they are parents to two young children and are both working in the insurance industry (yes, they have their day jobs, two children, AND an online business!).<br> <br> Amanda has always had a passion for health and fitness, and because of that, they achieved a profound change in their overall health and lifestyle by changing their relationship with food. <br> <br> After helping family and friends get in tune with healthier eating habits, they realized that they've found their calling and their passion to help others grew bigger and bigger.<br> <br> And this is how they're online entrepreneurial journey began.<br> <br> It was this passion that gave birth to their online health and nutrition business!<br> <br> Now, Amanda and Joe had transitioned into a membership site after doing some successful challenges for their niche, and earned over $3,000 on their membership launch!<br> <br> Their membership site helps people cook and prepare healthy meals, learn more about clean eating, and living a healthy lifestyle. <br> <br> They have helped their members tremendously, and Amanda even got a certification in functional nutrition just recently! <br> <br> But even with their recent success, Amanda still talks about her mindset struggle and confidence issues regarding her expertise and passion.<br> <br> Join us as we help Amanda and Joe tackle these mindset hurdles to take their online business to the next level. <br> <br> We also share strategies for consistent content creation, as well as creating strategic result-oriented lead magnets. <br> <br> So don’t miss it!<br> <br> [Tweet "“You are going to have haters, but always focus on the successes.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“Consistent action is better than perfect action.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet ""Results come from doing something, not doubting it."- Shane"]<br> You Will Learn:<br> <br> How our guests were able to have an online business while both working a day job<br> Dealing with and overcoming “Imposter syndrome”<br> Roles in your business with your spouse (and the importance of having your spouse on board)<br> The importance of consistent content creation<br> Strategically creating results-oriented lead magnets and opt-ins<br> * PLUS SO MUCH MORE!<br> <br> [Tweet "“For every 1 hater you get, there will be 90 amazing messages from people you helped.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet ""Tell them why, tell them what, but sell them how." - Shane"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“All you have to do is make more right decisions than wrong ones. If you're 51% right, you win!” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“Don’t show people what you know, show them results.” - Shane"]<br> Links and resources mentioned in today’s show:<br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast183/">FL 183 – How Sandra made over $700 a mont...</a>