10 Things That Are Holding You Back

Success Convo Podcast show

Summary: There are 10 major things that hold most people back that are right in front of their nose. They hinder day-to-day activity and become success breakers over time. In this NEW episode of Success Convo Podcast we dive straight in and lay into these. Be honest with yourself and find out which could be your major roadblock to success in life. 1. Waiting for the “right” time. Waiting for the right time is one of the worst things you can do. 2. Comparing yourself to others. This will only make your mindset weaker. 3 Asking too many questions. Questioning your self leads to doubt. “Stop asking what if and then ask - now how do I clean this up?” Get the winning data first. 4. Getting permission. You want those you care about to approve. The story of your life is yours to create - and no one else’s. 5. Expecting overnight results.
 “What?!” your mind tells you. “You’ve put so much effort into this and no one has noticed?!! So many fall vidicm to this in our current society. 6. Not taking action. Our brain does this to protect us. “The 7 second rule.” All the lists and beautiful plans in the world mean NOTHING without action. 7. Using the “busy” excuse. “I’m too busy.” Busy is the worst excuse of all time. 8. Not trusting your instincts. My biggest pitfall in life. 9. Taking the “easy” route. “If I had any talent, this would be much easier. I’m not cut out for this.” 10. Not being flexible. You need to be dynamic - ready and willing to pivot.