310: How should we respond to the homeless?

Humanize Me show

Summary: <a class="spreaker-player" href="https://www.spreaker.com/show/humanize-me"></a><br> <br> When you’re asked for money by a homeless person, or pass someone who appears to be homeless standing in a doorway or on a street corner, how should you respond?<br> That’s the topic addressed in this, the first of Humanize Me‘s regular Q&amp;A episodes. Bart Campolo is joined by the podcast’s producer John Wright to attempt to answer the question, which came in from a listener called Mark in Bristol, UK and reads in part:<br> “I know you’ve got tons of experience helping [the homeless], and seem to have made it a component of your life’s work. But what’s a good, productive approach for the rest of us who have all-consuming careers (I’m an academic research scientist) and who can spare but a moment and some spare change for the homeless we see on the streets?”<br> Takeaways: Each of us must ask how our life is contributing to making life better for society, if we’re going to feel okay walking past that person on the street. It’s a good thing to be altruistic in a mission-focused way. Our energy, emotional bandwidth and finances are finite resources that need managed well. Listen to the episode for more!<br> Bonus question: “Do you still find any bible verses inspirational and why?”<br> —<br> Enjoy the podcast? Support it on <a href="http://patreon.com/humanizeme">Patreon</a>, which is about to get a whole lot better, offering bonus content and live interaction! Review us on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/humanize-me/id964316524?mt=2">iTunes</a> (it really helps). And join over 600 other listeners on the show’s <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/1772151613053280/">Facebook Group</a>.<br> Humanize Me is hosted by <a href="https://bartcampolo.org/about">Bart Campolo</a> and is produced by <a href="http://juxmedia.com">Jux Media</a>.<br>