Attune to Love

The Intentional Spirit ... Seeing and Being show

Summary: Imagine daily life that is joyful, meaningful, and abundant without regrets, worries, or doubts. Sound unrealistic? What if it isn't? Consider the saying, "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." As you tune-in to the call of Soul, your sense of purpose expands and your suffering dissolves. Regardless of whether you struggle with health, wealth, or relationship challenges, everything goes better when you let love lead. As a creative messenger and spiritual teacher, Korrine Holt draws upon her personal, professional, and spiritual experiences in service to those seeking greater meaning and well-being. Having spent three decades integrating diverse experiences and challenging aspects, she is intimate with the pitfalls and high points of awakening. From that learning, she has created The Art of Well-Being, The Joy of Well-Doing, and Poetry With Benefits, invoking heartful listening to hear the call of Soul on one's journey of awakening.