Expat Files - 05.13.18

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #757- SUN, MAY 13- (05-13-2018):</u></strong></p><br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#1- What the hell is going in Nicaragua? Part 1:</u></strong></p><br> <div> <br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong>Marches in the streets, people dying at the hands of the cops and the military, my how things change. It used to be such a highly touted and peaceful place for gringos and expats retiring and relocating. Why not so long ago International Living and most all of the retirement rags and bloggers gave it a #1 thumbs up (though I never went all in myself) yet they all seemed to forget theirs a killer, rapist, psychopath in charge. Once a psycho always a psycho. Though it’s true that with a cistern it’s always the biggest chunks of crap that float to the top. <br></strong></p> <br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#2- Carrying a piece of gold or silver at all times as a kind of emergency “get out of jail free” survival kit is always recommended:</u><u> </u>I have done exactly that for the past 27 + years and have been carrying the very same coin(s) that I started with on day one of my adventure. Today we describe how it’s best done and demonstrate my favorite stealthy coin hiding technique <br></strong></p> <br> </div><br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#3- Today we have a “boots on the ground” walk through the Guatemalan immigration offices. </u></strong><strong>Hear how one of our regular listeners obtained his permanent Guatemalan residency in record time. Definitely expecting the worst, long lines, delays and the usual Latin inefficiencies, our expat gringo was more than pleasantly surprised at how it all turned out…</strong></p><br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#4- The latest scoop on the different internet and cellphone plans with various big IT companies like Movistar, TIGO and Claro:</u></strong><strong> The plans vary greatly and are also forever changing- depending on whether you chose a contract plan (usually 18 months long) or non-contract plan.   </strong></p><br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#5-Announcing Johnny’s next “Latin American Insider” seminar. </u></strong><strong>It will take place from Saturday, July 7<sup>th</sup> thru Thursday, July 12<sup>th</sup> 2018. Get the details and the scoop on the early-bird discounts by going to </strong><span lang="es-gt"><a href="http://www.thenew/" target="_blank"><strong><span lang="en-us">www.TheNew</span></strong></a></span><strong><u>Expat.com</u></strong><strong> and clicking on the “seminar” link.   </strong></p><br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#6- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course”</u></strong><strong> is a blueprint for your “Plan B” and the best way kick-start your exit plan before getting boots on the ground in Latin America. Check out the free intro video to the course now at <u><a href="http://www.theexpatfiles.com/academy" target="_blank">www.TheExpatFiles.com/academy</a></u> </strong></p><br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#7- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel.</u></strong><strong> See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.</strong></p><br> <p class="m_8371599147798640536ydp2267f8f9MsoNormal"><strong><u>#8- For more of Johnny’s reports, comments, adventures, news, surprises the famous “Expat Concierge Service” and more, check it all out at:</u></strong><strong> </strong><span lang="es-gt"><a href="http://www.the/" target="_blank"><strong><span lang="en-us">www.The</span></strong></a></span><strong><u>NewExpat.com</u></strong></p>