Episode 16: 2017 and Airstream Dreams

Trust The Trail show

Summary: <br> On this episode we reflect on 2016 and the leap into mobile living. We also share our 2017 hopes, trips and going on the road with our <a href="http://www.livinginlucy.com">1976 Airstream</a>.<br> 2016 was kind of a rough year. We had a lot of obstacles that through us for a loop. We never in our wildest dreams thought Lucy would come into our lives. Our <a href="http://www.livinginlucy.com">1976 Airstream Argosy</a> that we decided to buy and renovate. Oh, boy was that a big undertaking. Not too mention 2016 just kind of sucked.<br> We also continued to try and grow our guiding business <a href="http://www.fullmoonadventures.com">Full Moon Adventures</a> which we decided to scale back and focus on a much more intimate experiences for our customers and students.<br> Then of course re-branding <a href="http://www.thebackpacker.tv">TheBackapckerTV</a>. Since 2009 this site has been video focused specializing in other videographers content. This year however, we decided to put our years of experience and be a more of a “teaching” site with focus on learning the amazing world of the outdoors and backpacking.<br> So, how was your 2016? Do you have any plans or trips you are going on in 2017? Let us know and we’ll share them on our Podcast.<br> Have a great 2017. Get outdoors. Even better yet, come backpacking with us. Always looking to meet new friends.<br> Happy New Year!<br>