23. Trent Barnes, Partner at ZEROCAP and Board Member of BAA, On Connecting People To Build Blockchain’s Future

Crypto Titans Podcast - Interviews with Blockchain Industry Leaders, Cryptocurrency Insights and Trends for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, & Ripple show

Summary: The massive tech projects of the future will not be realized by a small few. Just like the decentralization inherent to blockchain technology, successful projects and enterprises will be the result of combining varying talents and skills from all corners of the global community. In today’s episode, Trent Barnes, Partner at ZEROCAP and Board Member of Blockchain Association of Australia, explains his efforts to secure blockchain’s future by connecting people and resources. Through ZEROCAP, BAA, hack-a-thons, and other projects, Trent works with individuals ranging from high-level executives down to high school students. To learn more about Trent or connect, check out: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trentbarnes/ & zerocap.io &  blockchain.asn.au