04/04 Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell (Episode 2)

Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast show

Summary: The second edition of the Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast With Jason Powell features Ring of Honor COO Joe Koff discussing the decision to run Saturday's ROH Supercard of Honor event opposite NXT Takeover, his company's relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling, his background prior to ROH, answers to popular questions regarding the HonorClub streaming service, and much more. Plus, the show opens with a WrestleMania 34 discussion with Dot Net co-senior staffer Will Pruett (99:99)... Make Prowrestling.net your home for WrestleMania weekend coverage with live reviews of WrestleMania 34, ROH Supercard of Honor, NXT Takeover: New Orleans, the WWE Hall of Fame, Impact Wrestling vs. Lucha Underground, and more.