017 – Raffi Holzer of Avvir – Building Exactly

Real Estate Is Your Business - a real estate technology podcast show

Summary: Automating the processes around data acquisition, visualization, and analysis to provide near real time insights into the state of a project including progress monitoring and defect detection…<br> Raffi Holzer, CEO of Avvir (using LIDAR technology to help construction BIM experience) joins Thomas Kutzman and Scott Pollack in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser. Presented by Prevu.<br> In this episode:<br> <br> Raffi Holzer on LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging, measure ranges via a remote sensing method using light in the form of a pulsed laser) and BIM (essentially a 3D blueprint)<br> How things change when construction begins, and without updating then the BIM becomes outdated<br> How a model can get so far off during construction<br> Making it more than a 3d rendering of a building.<br> BIM was a digital twin of a building<br> Preventing rework<br> The importance of having a spouse on board in a startup<br> Figuring out who user is, and building the right product for them<br> Talking to people who will be using a product and learning what they need<br> Major impact – BIM becoming a digital twin, becoming a centerpiece to manage a facility long term<br> Data and visualization of a product<br> Accurate building information model (instead of just spreadsheets)<br> New buildings installing sensors for IoT, need a system to enable sensors to talk to one another<br> Looking at climate control, safety<br> How Avvir can catch mistakes quickly after done, making them more easily corrected, and an accurate model to be able to tie sensors together and make them viable<br> Be able to do predictive analytics, make suggestions to avoid errors<br> Avvir is hardware agnostic<br> How the marketplace is less of a competitive one, more educational<br> Inventory control, asset management and facility management<br> How Holzer created Peeq - reversible sunglasses<br> The goal of a political podcast