Women's Circles with Vanessa Wood

Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond show

Summary: Our guest Vanessa Wood is mother to two beautiful boys, she is a practicing Naturopath of 10 years, and a shamanic craftswoman who oversees and participates in several Women’s circles and has been a magnificent flash-mob 80’s dancer with the famed Cassettes. <br><br>There has been a resurgence of women’s agency and the value of women individually and as part of society. We have been watching as this unfolds, unfurls and sometimes becomes undone. We have been watching it in the media, around the world in different countries and in our own lives, with our women friends, women in our family and women around us in the community. We have been watching it unravel with in us, too. It can feel uncomfortable, empowering, inspiring dangerous.. Women have been silent in so many many ways for so many centuries. In fact, Dr Amanda Furman who wrote and presented a groundbreaking 4-part series on the history of women called - The Ascent of Woman delves deeply into the place of women in society over the course of written history. She argues that the status of women is a barometer of a society’s tolerance, fairness and openness and that for the most part over the past 10,000 years women have been oppressed, denied basic freedoms and considered a means to an end. <br><br>In this episode we are talking about Women and the value of sitting together in Circle.<br><br>We have been watching as the movement of Feminism evolves and matures to become one that recognises women for their own capacities, rather than merely hoping for women to receive the same ‘deal’ that men have. <br><br>Sitting in Circle with other women supports us to recognise where we are at, where we have been and where we are headed. It affords us the much needed support and empowerment and sustains us along the journey. It helps set us free from self judgement and fosters in us, compassion for others. For many women the practice of gathering has stayed alive and strong throughout history, and for some, it is a new concept, one they are rediscovering.<br><br>Join us is celebrating this beautiful tradition!<br><br>More information and to get in touch with Vanessa, visit - <a href="http://www.pbbmedia.org" rel="noopener">www.pbbmedia.org</a><br><br>Copyright<br>PBB Media<br>Producer/Host: Annalee Atia<br>Interviewee: Vanessa Wood<br>Music bite on this podcast: Habanot Nechama / Lovers