Here’s Why Time Off Work IMPROVES Your Work And Life

The Darius Foroux Show: Master Your Productivity. Master Your Life. show

Summary: What do you do when you feel tired or overwhelmed? Do you power through? Or do you take some time off? In the past, I thought that you should always power through — no matter what. Now, I still think that way when it comes to life in general. You can’t quit taking care of yourself and your family. A sense of responsibility is one of the most powerful motivators in life. But I’m not talking about a lack of motivation here. I’m talking about taking time off work. But there’s still a massive taboo on taking time off. Some people think it’s for losers. Others think it’s about escaping your work. After all, “If you love your work and life, why do you even need a break?” Good point, smart ass. Here’s why time off actually IMPROVES your work and life. Leonard Mlodinow, a physicist, who also co-authored two books with Stephen Hawking, recently shared scientific research in his book Elastic about taking time off. He demonstrates that taking time off work improves our well-being: “Though some may consider “doing nothing” unproductive, a lack of downtime is bad for our well-being, because idle time allows our default network to make sense of what we’ve recently experienced or learned.” People who never take time off to do nothing are short-term focused. “I want to reach my goals! NOW!” But as always, short-term thinking harms your long-term development and growth. What happens when you power through work and burn yourself out? In most instances, your results suffer, and you become less productive. In some cases, you even become depressed — which will set you back even longer. It’s much better to prevent burn-out or a decrease in your overall work performance. Dale Carnegie, a self-help pioneer, and author of How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, said it best: “So, to prevent fatigue and worry, the first rule is: Rest often. Rest before you get tired.” So take time off work strategically throughout the year. That’s what I just did too, and in this article, I share 5 benefits that I’ve found: Sign up for my free newsletter: P.S. Do you want to get my best productivity tips for free? I’ve made an eBook with 5 tips, exercises, and video training, that you can use to get immediate results. Curious? Get the book for free: