Comic Book Movies with Roifield Brown

Beyond The Big Screen show

Summary: Description: Today we talk with international man of mystery, Roifield Brown about one of his passions, comic book movies. Roifield walks us through the history of how comic books have been translated to the big screen. Roifield also discusses how he developed his passion for comic books. It is a fascinating conversation.   You can learn more about Beyond the Big Screen and subscribe at all these great places: email: Agora: On Social Media: The New A to Z History Page Facebook Group: Learn More About our Guest: Roifield Brown (Mid Atlantic, 10 US Presidents, How Jamaica Conquered the World Podcasts) Agora Podcaster of the Month: The History of England Podcast by David Crowther Music Provided by: "Crossing the Chasm" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Begin Transcript: This is beyond the big screen podcast with your host, Steve Guerra and Gora podcast network member. Welcome back to beyond the big screen now. Today we are talking about comic book movies and Superhero based movies and uh, one time in their earlier days they were a side show in the movie business now where they are the bread and butter, a cash cow for the entire entertainment industry beginning in the two thousands, a whole host of movies I've been released based on popular superheroes and comic book characters, and they've really achieved an incredible box office success as well as critical acclaim as well. Today we are very happy to be joined by Mr Roy field brown to discuss the genre superhero comic books. Thank you so much for joining us today, Roy. Fielding. Well listen, thank you for having me on. I thought may one beam into such low brow art, so to speak, that you know you wouldn't deign to have me on. Not at all. This is. This is serious stuff here now. Roy Field is a pod cast renaissance man. He is a host and producer of countless podcasts, including but not limited to 10 US presidents. How'd you make a conquered the world? Friday 15, mid Atlantic and more Roy Fields, a genuine international man of mystery and a proud self proclaimed comic book nerd. Is that an accurate statement? I'd say I'm a connoisseur of the genre of, into comics, uh, from a ridiculously early age, um, being, being British in the 19 seventies you're exposed to a UK comics, which invariably with Bernie or war comics, but they came out weekly. That's a big difference between UK comics and American to ask at weekly. But at the early seventies, marvel started reprinting. It's American out on a weekly basis in the UK. So there's a whole slew of men in their thirties and late forties. Now you kinda grew up reading marble reprint DC didn't do that. So you'll find that in somewhere like the u in the UK is everyone's aware of these superman and Batman are, but a man of a certain age have this really close affinity to the marvel heroes. And I definitely do. Can you maybe tell us a little bit more? Those are the major, really. The two big players, the marvel characters in the DC characters. From my understanding, the DC characters are more developed a lot, much longer ago. Can you maybe just explain a little bit where these two universities come from? He sees DC as you rightly point out, is older than marvel. Those actually not that much older is that marvel had a name change, so the grandfather of the whole superhero genre is superman is the first superhero and which we would, you know, call it today, the word, other kinds of heroes like flash Gordon beforehand who was in comics and then also obviously 19 thirties movies and people...