HBO PROJECT: In Treatment (2008) | John Adams (2008)

HoopleCast: An IntroCast For HBO's Deadwood show

Summary: HBO's obsession with psychiatry and sex continues with In Treatment (2008). Dr. Paul Weston's first patient of the week, Laura, confesses her erotic fixations, which is not a good for a man in the throes of a crumbling marriage and mid-life crisis. Paul's other patients include Sophie (a suicidal gymnast) and Alex (a fighter pilot who oopsy-daisy murdered sixteen Iraqi children); he'll kvetch about them all when he climbs onto an emotional seesaw with his own therapist, Gina. (24:05 - 1:18:49) ... Then, we return to a familiar groove for this podcast: American history. John Adams (2008) is a fabulous mini-series about our second president, a principled, intellectual heavyweight who is the only man in his country of Massachusetts to defend a company of English soldiers in the aftermath of The Boston "Massacre." We learn that John's successes are due in part to the wise counsel of his brilliant wife Abigail, and, lo, but are they not the cutest bippin' couple? (1:18:50 - 2:44:15) ... Also, The Many Saints of Newark, Westworld, and Here and Now. (0 - 24:04) | Send feedback to Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded March 18, 2018. Released April 1, 2018. [Warning: Explicit Language.]