What should I do to supplement my degree to be successful in marketing field | Ep. #105 - Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads

Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads show

Summary: Marketing<br> I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, but I am unsure of what I should be doing to supplement my degree in order to be successful in the marketing field.<br> My school offers co-operative programs to gain experience, but is there any other paths I should explore to make myself an exceptional candidate for potential careers in the future?<br>  <br> Hi Kaylee-Shaye, Excited to be connected with you on the Career Advice Hub.<br><br> First off, congrats on going after a BBA.<br> The main characteristics I would look for in a marketer would be creativity and focus.<br><br> If there’s any co-operative program that can help you with those, jump on it immediately.<br> A tip for when you are ready to apply for your future career is to make a video cover letter!<br><br> The agency that receives a video cover letter has to appreciate the creativity and out of the box thinking.<br><br> Plus a smiley face has 10x better chance of causing a good impression that the piece of paper with old-school copyright.<br> Meanwhile the top of the marketing “food chain” is online advertising and lead generation with sales funnels.<br><br> Oh yea and most agencies appreciate if you are Google certified (gives them better rep)<br>  <br> here are the training links I mentioned:<br> <a href="https://www.facebookblueprint.com/student/catalog">Facebook Training</a><br> <a href="https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalgarage/certification">Google Training</a><br> <a href="https://academy.exceedlms.com/student/catalog">Google Certification</a>  (Requires Logins, but all are free)<br> And don’t forget to check out our last episode:<br> <a title="Permalink to Paid Search Ads and Analytics to Consulting and Marketing Strategy" href="http://qasellingonline.com/paid-search/" rel="bookmark">Paid Search Ads and Analytics to Consulting and Marketing Strategy</a><br>  <br> Looking forward to chatting soon.<br><br> Quin<br>