How to Become Rich: 21 Rich Habits of Rich People

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Summary: Rich people are different than you and me. How are they different, though? This list of 21 rich habits will teach you how to become rich and put you on the path to wealth.<br> Dave Ramsey published a list of twenty things the rich do every day.<br> Most of these things are habits. My take on this is that rich people have good habits. Habits that make them more successful, healthier, and smarter. And those things can help you accumulate wealth. Once you have achieved a certain level of wealth, you can focus on yourself rather than on money.<br> Discipline seems to be the other thing all of these qualities have in common. It takes more discipline to cook a healthy meal than to order take out. It takes more discipline to save money than to spend it.  Let’s take a look at each of the twenty one habits.<br> 1. Junk Food<br> “70% of wealthy eat less than 300 junk food calories per day. 97% of poor people eat more than 300 junk food calories per day.”<br> If you don’t feed yourself well, you don’t <a href="">feel well</a>, and you can’t<a href=""> think well.</a> And that makes it hard to have the energy and focus to pursue your goals. Eating well can mean lots of different things, Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian.<br> Eating poorly is easier to define, and we all know it when we see it. No one thinks a cake is healthier than a carrot.<br> You can drill down into all sorts of minutia when it comes to healthy eating, but the basics are pretty, well, basic! Eat a lot of vegetables, eat a little fruit. Eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. Eliminate refined carbs and keep the slow-burning carbs to a minimum if you’re trying to lose weight. It’s really no more complicated than that.<br> 2. Gambling<br> “23% of wealthy gamble. 52% of poor people gamble.”<br> <br> People making less than $13,000 a year spend <a href="">9%</a> of their income on lottery tickets. There is a reason the lottery is called the Fool’s Tax. There is nothing wrong with buying the occasional lottery ticket for fun or setting aside a certain amount of money you can afford to lose on a trip to Vegas, but if you’re spending 9% of your income on gambling, you will never be rich.<br> 3. Singular Goals<br> “80% of wealthy are focused on accomplishing some single goal. Only 12% of the poor do this.”<br> Wealthy people have a goal.  And not just a vague goal but a clearly defined goal and a plan to achieve it. It’s great that you want to quit your job and start your own business, but if you have no plan of action to make that happen, it’s not really a goal. It’s just a daydream.<br> For any goal you have, <a href="">getting out of debt</a>, <a href="">saving 50% of your income</a>, losing 50 pounds, there is a world of information out there that will show you the steps you need to take to achieve it.<br> 4. Exercise<br> “76% of wealthy exercise aerobically four days a week. 23% of poor do this.”<br> Exercising goes hand in hand with eating well. <a href="">Regular exercise</a> helps to boost mood and energy. It helps control weight, makes you sleep better, and makes sex better. Exercise is especially important for those of us who have sedentary jobs. Sitting all day is terrible for you, and while exercise doesn’t offset it entirely, it would be worse if you were doing no exercise.<br> Exercise is like diet; there is no one size fits all.