Common Traits of People Who Have Achieved Financial Success People

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Summary: Get Rich Slowly recently posted an article titled, “The Ten Habits of Financially Successful People.”  See how many you share.<br> They surround themselves with positive people<br> You can’t change people but if their negativity is undermining your confidence, you may need to jettison them from your life. We have enough self doubt, we don’t need the people around us reinforcing that.<br> They are not flummoxed by failure.<br> Successful people fail. A lot. As long as you learn from past mistakes and take actionable steps to prevent the same mistakes in the future, that’s all you can to do. Don’t dwell.<br> They manage their time effectively.<br> There are so many books and online tools to help you to make the most of your time. If you feel like all you do is work, there are steps you can take to streamline your day so you can make more money without spending more time.<br> They ignore the opinions of others.<br> This is a bit of a blanket statement. No one needs to crowd source every decision but there should be people in your life whose opinions you value and seek before making major decisions. If not, see the first entry.<br> They have direction and act with purpose.<br> It’s important to have a goal. It’s more important to have a goal and actionable steps to achieve that goal.<br> They focus on big wins.<br> A big win could be a promotion at work, paying off your student loans, or your credit cards. Look after the dollars and the cents will take care of themselves.<br> They do what’s difficult.<br> In other words, don’t procrastinate. Or do procrastinate and that way only the most important shit gets done. We’re still debating this one.<br> They make their own luck.<br> “Luck is the meeting of preparation and opportunity.” You might land a great job interview through a friend who works at the company. That’s the opportunity. You land the job because you researched the company and the position and impressed the interviewer. That’s the preparation.<br> They believe they are responsible for their fortune.<br> There is an internal locus of control. A hippy way of saying “make your own luck”.<br> They grow and change over time.<br> Sometimes you have to realize a failure for what it is, let go and change direction. Or to be able to change your opinion in the face of new information. Twenty years ago, a lot of people thought climate change was bullshit. Now, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, you’re an idiot if you don’t allow the irrefutable science to change your opinion.<br> That’s a list of ten. How many are you doing? Send us an e-mail and let us know.<br> Show Notes<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10 Habits of Financially Successful People</a>: The blog post the episode is based on.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Getting Things Done</a>: David Allen’s book on productivity.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>: Merlin is a renaissance man who has a website and podcast dedicated to finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Rescue Time</a>: A website that does for your time what does for your money.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Four Hour Work Week</a>: Tim Ferriss’ book on how to maximize your productivity in the least amount of time and from anywhere in the world.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Seth Godin</a>: Seth has authored 17 books on marketing in the digital age.<br>