The Effortless Gent – Dressing Nice for the Price

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Summary: Barron Cuadro (best name ever) from The Effortless Gent teaches us how to dress well and look great without spending a fortune.<br> A lot of men consider fashion an afterthought.  They throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and they think they’re ready for everything from a date to a funeral.  Or maybe they want to incorporate some style into their lives but don’t know where to start fearing that it costs thousands to look good.  So how can you build a versatile wardrobe without breaking the bank?<br> The most important thing to consider when buying clothes is the fit.  An off the rack t-shirt from Target will look better than one from BOGA if it fits properly.  This is where a good tailor can work magic.  A $20 shirt that you spent $10 to have tailored is a good investment.<br> Barron’s Effortless Gent “Lean Wardrobe” is a great starting point.  It varies a bit depending on occupation, weekend activities, budget, and climate but it will help you build a basic wardrobe of quality, classic pieces.  These include, dark denim jeans, a grey flannel suit, a few button up shirts, a few t-shirts, and top layers like sweaters.<br> Once you are more comfortable, you can add a few well-chosen pieces to expand on the basics.Barron recommends grey or navy for the basic pieces as they are more flattering and less harsh than black for most people, hit men and funeral directors excluded.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shoes</a> are perhaps the hardest thing for a lot of guys to get right.  Barron has narrowed it down to the six you should have.  That might sound like a lot but I have that many pairs of just black heels so believe me, you’re getting off easy with six.<br> Sport coats versus suit coat can be confusing.  A sport coat will be of heavier fabric and perhaps a bolder print.  A sport coat is made to mix and match with other pants.  A suit coat is of finer material and may have a subtle print.  A suit coat is made to be worn with the matching pants.<br> I see a lot of beautifully dressed women out with guys who look like they’re dressed to do their laundry so check out Barron’s site, step up your game and become an Effortless Gent!<br> Show Notes<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Effortless Gent:</a> Barron’s site to teach you the basics of building a great wardrobe.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Magic Hat Elder Betty</a>:  The perfect summer beer.<br>