Need Some Money Motivation?

Listen Money Matters - Free your inner financial badass. This is not your father's boring personal finance show. show

Summary: No matter what your financial goals are, sometimes reaching them can feel like a slog. Do you need some money motivation? We got you.<br> This is Money May and we’re going back to the basics. We are going to motivate you to take action, to stop making excuses and to finally do what you already know you need to do. At the end of this month, you’ll be motivated to take on the world. Because when you change your money habits, you will change your life.<br> Our Motivation<br> Sometimes doing LMM can seem like a slog. We get complaints about some ridiculous stuff. But sometimes we get an epic email that reminds us why we do this. This is one.<br> “To give you a short background. I am husband and father of 4 kids. I graduated college in 2014 with an exercise physiology degree and since then I have been working in landscape construction because my degree couldn’t pay the bills. I was in a really bad place as far as my outlook and hope for the future.<br> I literally spent 40+ hours a week digging in the dirt and I make $17 dollars an hour. Basically my life sucked and I started to think this was going to be my lot in life.<br> Enter LMM. I started listening to your podcast during work, and couldn’t stop because it gave me hope and actually gave me ideas for change in my life. I started to implement different ideas from your shows, and started to effect change.<br> For the first time ever I really started to save effectively and was able to save up about $6000, which isn’t bad for someone on $17 dollars an hour.<br> The next milestone was to invest in myself and so I joined an on line coding boot camp with all the money I had saved. I took 2 days off per week to provide myself enough time to succeed.<br> This work reduction has resulted in an effective 40% loss in my earnings. Needless to say times have been tough on the money front but we are surviving.<br> I am done with my boot camp and on March 30th I had my first technical interview with a company, and I have one more lined up for next week. I cannot tell you how excited about life I am now, and how much hope I have for me and the future of my family.<br> And getting a “real” job is not the end for me and my goals but is simply the beginning of a journey of self improvement.<br> I love you guys in the non weirdest way possible and am thankful for the effort that you have put forth in producing the best podcast out there.”<br> A Chance to Fail in Order to Succeed<br> The person who sent that e-mail took a big risk. Why would someone with four children to feed do that? He did it because he knew he would succeed. Why? Because he had no choice. He has four children to feed.<br> Getting out of your comfort zone and into a place where you have no choice but to succeed is the quickest kick in the ass you will ever get. Our e-mailer cut back his work hours and the money he was earning to learn something new that will make him more money.<br> I moved to New Orleans where I didn’t know a soul. Thomas moved to Denver which quadrupled his rent overnight. All three of us are making it because it was the only choice we had.<br> Not everyone is going to have a major catalyst for quitting a job, <a href="">moving</a>, or having a kid to motivate them. Those things are certainly among the best motivators but they aren’t the only ones. Maybe your motivation is finally getting tired of doing the same damn thing over and over.<br> You’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck. You’re tired of being in <a href="">credit card debt.</a> You’re tired of paying someone else to rent and want to <a href="">buy your own home</a>.<br> Just Do It<br> We all have things we know we should be doing but we aren’t doin...