God Gave A Promise

Musical Manna show

Summary: This month’s podcast was recorded in my home studio during one of my private worship sessions. The whole 13 minute live recording of the piano and vocal was completely spontaneous in its conception, and recorded in one take from beginning to end, including the delightful instrumental coda at the end. (The backing vocals and orchestral instrumentation was added afterwards!) The song is a prophetic declaration of God’s faithfulness in giving us His Son, and with Him the assurance that “having already given us His Son, how will He not with Him also freely give us all things pertaining to life and godliness?” You’ll need to get in a soaking mode and put some time aside for this one – don’t just rush through it. As you listen, allow your mind and spirit to grasp the reality of this incredible promise! Having already given us His Son, how will He not with Him freely give us all things!?