05: Welcome to O-Town, Population: Me

Be There in Five show

Summary: This week, in a somewhat evergreen episode, Kate manages to find nearly 40 minutes worth of tangents in the process of telling one single story about the boy band LFO's relationship to another boy band, O-Town. Within this story, she explores Meghan & Harry pretending to have a lack of awareness of each other's public personas, the perils of trying to subtly online stalk people you date, her favorite game when trolling friends' dating apps she likes to call, 'poorly dressed, or theme party?,' a brief PSA about sociopaths, BSB vs. 'Nsync, the rollercoaster of emotions she experienced on AOL Instant Messenger as a teen that as an adult she can identify as extreme anxiety, some Oscars commentary, an accidental detour that somehow starts at Ashlee Simpson and ends up at Justin Bobby, an eventual conclusion of where APA's career ended up after taking a major risk, and an unexpected serious exploration of such risks, their relationship to our personal satisfaction, and how we should consider revising our metrics of success. Much like she's now revising her metrics of success as it relates to anyone now listening to this episode.