034 Don’t Grow Weary

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Isaiah 40:31 – “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”<br> This is one of my all time favorite scriptures. Several years ago I was on about mile 20 of a marathon in Joplin, MO and we passed a church that was holding their worship service outside. Members of their congregation were holding signs to cheer on the runners. As I ran by one sign caught my eye and it said “you will run and not grow weary.” I burst out in tears.<br> Okay, so I need to explain. I’m a crier. I don’t typically cry when I’m sad or angry, but rather when I’m happy. I will burst out in happy tears. I’m also a sympathy crier. I don’t even need to know you or know what you’re crying about, but I’ll cry with you. But I’m primarily a spiritual crier. I rarely make it through an entire church service without tears. Worship music gets me. Prayer gets me. 5 years ago when God instructed me to start hosting a live morning devotional call my first response was “God, you know me – you know I can’t quote a single scripture without crying. I can’t pray in front of people without crying. This will be a huge mess.” And he said, yes. So cry your way through it and I will strengthen you as you go.<br> I’m here to tell you that very first live devotional I hosted last a whole 5 minutes and I was choked up the entire time. But still for some reason God chose this crier to be strengthened so I could show up every day and help put a pep in your step.<br> Now, back to the story. I’m running. Mile 20. Church is on the side of the road with a worship service. Man holding a sign that says “you will run and not grow weary”. Me, burst into tears. Because you see, I was tired. My legs felt like they couldn’t keep going. Lord, my hope is in you, please renew my strength because I’m not sure how much longer I can keep running.<br> Now, trying to run when you’re exhausted, hot, sweaty, and emotional … whew, that equals hyperventilation. Not a combination I recommend. But it’s exactly what I needed.<br> You see, I felt weary. But I didn’t have to GROW WEARY. I didn’t have to let that tiredness seep into my mind and my soul.<br> Maybe you feel weary too. It’s the halfway mark of March. Maybe things have been a little harder than you anticipated. Those big goals you wrote two weeks ago have gone untouched and at this point are pretty much impossible. What’s a girl to do when she feels weary? Answer – stop paying so much attention to how you FEEL. Those feelings will get you in trouble. Your feelings will talk you out of doing the very things you know you need to do. Your feelings will seep into your every thought and then right into your spirit and guess what, then you will GROW weary. You don’t want to grow that. That means it will multiply in your life. And before you know it you won’t feel like doing a darn thing. Now that’s a dangerous place to be.<br> So, you may feel weary, but you don’t have to grow weary.<br> Now, let me point out this scripture says you will run and not grow weary. YOU WILL RUN. This means you still gotta show up. You still have work to do. God’s not gonna run for you. You still have running to do. Maybe literally and maybe not. But you have things you need to be doing. What are those things you need to do today? No one else is going to show up and do it for you. Run your own race. You. And as you show up and do what you need to do and refuse to give in to all the feelings that tell you you’re too tired and too busy, God will protect you from growing weary.<br> Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Renew it. You know what that means?