Jacq Fisch: 5 Steps to Side Hustle Without Destroying Yourself, Even with a Family & Job (ep 78)

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <p>Meet Jacqueline Fisch, copywriter, editor, author and fellow Chicagoan! </p> <p>Jacq is a member of the Courage and Clarity community and a listener of the show, and it feels like a special treat to dive deep with a member of our tribe.</p> <p>In this episode, you’ll discover the crazy twist that prompted her to go full steam ahead with her writing business despite being a wife, mother to 2 kids, and full-time employee for 13 years.</p> <p>Then, in the Clarity half, she's sharing 5 concrete steps to growing a hustle -- WITHOUT hating yourself and making your family crazy in the process. </p> <p>First up in the Courage half, you'll hear: </p> <ul> <li>All about Jacq's business and how she earns her living</li> <li>What it was like to get laid off THREE times in 5 years (two of those times was the same company!)</li> </ul> <h2>- Huge lessons she learned after being laid off and these have shaped her work today</h2> <p>Then in Clarity, we're diving into: </p> <ul> <li>How time tracking can add firepower to your productivity</li> <li>Exactly how to set up boundaries</li> <li>What to do with the extra money you make from your new side hustle </li> <li>The importance of talking about your big dream and telling lots of people</li> <li>How to find gratitude, even when it feels crazy</li> </ul>