023 - Acoustic Guitar History Made!

Acoustic Tuesday Show with Tony Polecastro show

Summary: Welcome to another Tuesday which so happens to be gracefully infused with maximum acoustic guitar geekiness! Acoustic Tuesday presented by http://tonysacousticchallenge.com Here are your 5 guitar geek items for the week: Acoustic guitars and large pedalboards don't necessarily have the same relationship as peanut butter and jelly, but the company LR Baggs is on course to change that. LR Baggs is currently in the process of releasing their Align Series Acoustic Pedal Suite and these things looks, well... sweet. Between their size, their aesthetic, and their overall functionality I cannot wait to get my hands on these and give them a proper test drive. In the Align Series, there is an Active DI, an Equalizer, a Reverb, and what looks to be a compressor. These should be hitting stores soon so be on the lookout and be sure to give them a try.  https://youtu.be/h9ta-t-Bt0o https://www.lrbaggs.com/align-series-acoustic-pedal-suite Purchasing a vintage guitar can be a scary experience, especially if you aren't able to give the instrument a full once-over in person. There can be so much hidden and downright scary things lying under the top, which is why it's nice to have a store with a great reputation and a specialty in vintage instruments. Lowe Vintage Instrument company in Burlington, NC is one of those very stores. They have fine examples of some seriously iconic vintage instruments and it just so happens that vintage is their wheelhouse. From Gibson to Martin, Flattops to banjos to mandolins, both Ed and Will Lowe have done a fantastic job in curating a brilliant collection to peruse. A mention must also be made of the videos that they put out showing off these instruments being played by some of the finest.  https://youtu.be/vBrca-Ww_8c - PreWar Guitar Co played by Presley Barker https://lowevintage.com/ I love it when Youtube blackholes prove fruitful. About 11 years ago when I was first getting into the dobro I discovered something that is about as #guitargeek as you can get, and that happens to be exactly what I am listening to this week. Long ago I stumbled on this song called "The Blackest Crow." It was being performed by Bruce Molsky and Julie Fowlis, both incredible artists in their own right, but that song led me to discover so much more. I soon learned that that performance was part of a much larger musical undertaking called the transatlantic sessions. Think of it like this, Marvel and DC (you know the comics) combine forces and all of the superheroes are on the same side... well that is exactly what the Transatlantic Sessions are for the acoustic world. Some of the top acoustic musicians in the world gather together to play one another's songs and my-oh-my are the results truly stupendous. Not only is this a treat to listen to, but you can actually watch it as well, which is what I recommend.  https://youtu.be/d6jh1vqNvMs - The blackest Crow https://youtu.be/lwllcWC_FL4 - St. Anne's Reel http://amzn.to/2DeI6SH - Series 1 DVD http://amzn.to/2Djg0Ka - Series 2 DVD http://amzn.to/2DmiNCo - Series 3 DVD http://amzn.to/2rhPzic - Series 4 DVD http://amzn.to/2DfxKSu - Series 5 DVD http://amzn.to/2DkXbpU - Series 6 DVD Taylor takes a huge leap in the history of the acoustic guitar with a complete revamp of the X bracing design. X bracing has been the gold standard for some time in the world of flattop steel string guitars and then along comes Andy Powers to shake things up in a major way. Just last week Taylor announced their new V bracing design, which essentially has two long braces running parallel to the guitar neck and then some additional support provided via tone bars running off of those longer braces. Essentially this new design will make the top more rigid which will add to the responsiveness and projection, all the while allowing the top to vibrate a bit more freely which will contribute to stronger single notes as well as an overall volume increase. I must say a huge tip of the hat to Andy Powers, Bob Taylor, and the entire Taylor crew for pushing the boundaries and contributing to the evolution of the steel string acoustic guitar.  https://www.taylorguitars.com/guitars/acoustic/v-class-bracing/story https://youtu.be/Ys_tScJ9NXw https://youtu.be/GkX-lzzG-GA https://youtu.be/_lrNq5Qktmk https://youtu.be/gj8M-wF3ZPQ Matt is back! The #Askmatt segment is back in full force and this week our bearded guitar brother Matt Chulka is back discussing a hot topic among acoustic guitar geeks... Torrefaction - The act of "roasting" tonewood at low temperatures to impart a more woody/earthy tonal profile. So is a torrefied top better than one that hasn't been torrefied? This week Matt gets asked that very question so be sure watch the show and see what his thoughts are on this hot-button issue.  May this Acoustic Tuesday bring a smile to your face and your ears as well! Have a fantastic week! Cheers,Tony