How to price creativity beyond billable hours - Blair Enns, Author - Ep.13 - Design & Business show

Summary: For the second time, I had the pleasure to have Blair Enns on the show and talk about his new book Pricing Creativity. So much fire and practical advice dropped on this episode of that you can't miss it! How to price a creative service beyond billable hours, why billing hours are a dead end, why discounting prices is not good, the psychology of value you are selling & creating for your clients and so much more just in one episode. I would listen to this episode twice and then go buy his book for more knowledge as this is changing so many things on how you work, create and sell. Make sure to check the previous episode for more info about Blair's background and his other book Win Without Pitching Manifesto. Listen on Soundcloud: Listen on iTunes: Episode page: About podcast: About Laroche: ------- Music: