Dealing with Anger in Your Marriage

The Fierce Marriage Podcast show

Summary: Listen in as Ryan and Selena discuss how to deal with anger in marriage (i.e. conflict, frustration, bitterness) in productive, biblical ways. Couple's Challenge Set aside some time to talk and write down anger triggers. Try to trace them back to their root causes and identify why they make you feel this way? Dive into scripture and discover what it says and how it instructs in the area of anger and the roots of it in your heart. James and Colossians are great places to start. Spread the Love If we've earned it we'd be honored to have your subscription. In short, SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW this podcast on your app of choice. It takes 30 seconds, and it helps get the word out about gospel-centered marriage. Thank you! Do you have a question? If you have a question, feel free to ask! Anything goes. Just visit ( or ( to submit a question or story; we’ll take care of the rest.