Episode 151: J.D. Martinez Is (Finally) On The Red Sox

Section 10 Podcast show

Summary: THE TIME HAS COME! J.D. Martinez is on the Red Sox and it finally feels like the baseball season is officially here. We break down every aspect of this J.D. deal including how much we love the contract itself, Yankees fans already getting defensive about the move, how much pressure this will take off the rest of the lineup, if J.D. being an oppo-heavy hitter is a problem, why we should have expected this move was inevitably going to happen, and a unique debate on why Alex Cora already had Martinez's No. 28. This leads us to our originally recorded (pre-J.D.) podcast. We talk how Cora has already changed the vibe around the Red Sox, if David Price could become fully-likeable in Boston, why no one is talking about Hanley Ramirez, what it means to this club to bring Eduardo Nunez back, and close with your Down in the DM awesomeness.