25 - Internship Minisode - Nancy Liu, Patient Safety and Quality Improvement at UCSF

The Penn HealthX Podcast show

Summary: Today’s minisode is an interview with another one of the HealthX summer internship funding recipients, and another fellow MS2, Nancy Liu. Nancy spent the summer at UCSF learning about methods used in patient safety and quality improvement work. She cold-called a number of research teams to see if they would be interested in having her join, knowing that she could secure outside funding. She was also able to participate in the Telluride Experience which is a conference for medical students and residents interested in patient safety. We’ve put together these shorter minisodes focusing on past internship funding recipients, because it’s about that time of year where med students start thinking about what they want to do over their summer and begin applying. Hopefully these quick episodes give you a broader perspective on different opportunities. We encourage you to think outside of the box, and don’t be afraid to do something completely outside the typical expectations of clinical or basic research. They’ll always be there as an opportunity in the future, I promise. http://pennhealthx.com/nancy-liu https://diatribe.org/ http://telluridesummercamp.com/