Spomtanious Human Combustion - Larry Arnold

House of Mystery True Crime History show

Summary: Spontaneous Human Combustion: detested, disdained, denied, debunked by nearly all academicians and forensic professionals as simply "Impossible! The human body does not burn this way! These are hoaxes! There is no way; no way, period." But what if the overwhelming consensus against SHC is wrong? Part of a human limb extends from a pile of ash at an otherwise nearly pristine fire scene, proving a person has somehow been incinerated more thoroughly than by a crematory retort. It's made many first-responders uncomfortable when they find themselves for the first time confronting what education, training and experience has clearly not prepared them. If it makes you uncomfortable, do not buy this book. However: if this makes you inquisitive, curious, and eager to know more about the most extreme of combustion conundrums and whether the idea of what history as called SHC deserves to be ridiculed, reviled, rebuked and rejected, or embraced as a preternatural puzzle awaiting a solution ABLAZE! will make for a satisfying, if disconcerting, read. What is the evidence for The Fire Within? How do firemen react to mounds of human ashes found inside unburned rooms, even inside uncharred clothing? Are these mere "smoking mishaps" as coroners quickly claim, or deaths far less easily explained away? Why do fire scenes crying out for answers meet with misrepresentation, even suppression, of evidence? Why the cover-ups?