303: The Art Of An Apology

Humanize Me show

Summary: What does a real apology look like? What is the difference between remorse and regret? Between saying sorry and asking for forgiveness? In this episode, Bart talks about how to make an authentic apology and shares some stories from his own life that have shaped his own apologies.<br> You can support Bart, his podcast, and his work by going to his <a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=FYxhOeDi_QtsUq0NOyKOxa6gIL5ZD0RP0V5cL3LDniAqFIatxB1cRZqcoEY_1UhkIhwsUG&amp;country.x=US&amp;locale.x=US">paypal site</a> or by becoming a <a href="https://www.patreon.com/humanizeme">Patreon patron</a>. Who knows, you might get a mention on the next podcast like the four people in this episode!<br>