A Texas Lawyer Fighting to End Abortion, and is it Possible to be a Gay Christian?

CrossPolitic Studios show

Summary: <p>Folks, a couple things to note up front. First, Pastor Toby Sumpter will be at the 2018 Shepherds’ Conference in February. For more details, see our Upcoming Events below.  Second, pay attention to our sponsors during commercial break. We are grateful for their support and partnership. To find out more about our partnerships (limited number) and advertising packages, please email us at contact@crosspolitic.com. Lastly, the best way you can help us out is to <a href="http://crosspolitic.com/crosspolitic-club/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">join our club membership</a>!</p> <h1 class="null">Show Notes:</h1> <p>This week we’re joined by Texas lawyer Bradley Pierce of <a href="http://www.heritagedefense.org/about/attorneys/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Heritage Defense</a> to discuss the history of Roe v Wade and how this discussion was handed to us by republican appointees. Bradley also lays out where the pro-life movement has won over the years, and why established pro-life organizations have resisted end abortion legislation.</p> <p>In CrossPolitic news, we discuss Attorney General Jeff Sessions rolling back Obama era mandates, Al Gore’s failed global warming prophecy, and a Hillary Clinton donor who paid $500K to fund an investigation to find women who would come out with sexual harassment claims against President Trump.</p> <p>You can stream live from our website <a href="http://crosspolitic.com/episodes/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>, or you can find our newest episode in the <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/crosspolitic/id1158923632?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">iTunes store</a> and <a href="https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=2#/ps/Ifw7i5oecjsbcgxkwytdvsop6mq" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google store</a>.</p> <div> <p>Upcoming events to note:</p> <hr> </div> <p>1) <a href="http://calledconference.ninja" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CALLED</a><a href="http://calledconference.ninja/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Conference</a> July 16th through 20th– a conference that will challenge Christian high school students to become the next generation of cultural leaders, because they are CALLED…<br> → to put on the whole armor of God<br> → to engage culture<br> → to advance the Kingdom</p> <p>2) Trinity Reformed Church Epiphany Lectures are March 2nd and 3rd. <a href="http://trinitykirk.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Followup website for details.</a></p> <p>3) Grace Agenda: Enraging Culture April 13th and 14th in Moscow, Idaho. <a href="https://graceagenda.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Register here!</a></p> <p>4) Good Shepherds’ Conference: Toby will be in Bloomington, Indiana February 21st through the 23rd. <a href="https://crm.fundly.com/6312/Pages/Events/#/Details/6282//" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Register here!</a></p> <p>5) The World We Made, and What to Do About It: January 19th through 21st: <a href="http://gracecoldwater.com/articles/the-world-we-made-and-what-to-do-about-it-a-conference-featuring-tim-and-mary-lee-bayly" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Register here!</a></p> <p>*We are also scheduling, as our time allows, one <a href="http://cro"></a></p>