Leading the Pack : Ep: 128

Unorthodox show

Summary: Our Jewish guest this week is Leah Sarna, a student at Yeshivat Maharat, the <a href="http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-life-and-religion/134369/orthodox-women-ordained">first yeshiva to ordain women</a> as Orthodox Jewish clergy. She explains the institutional conflict over female ordination in the Orthodox community and tells us what her role will be at an Orthodox congregation in Chicago after graduation —and what title she’ll go by. Our Gentile of the week is writer <a href="https://twitter.com/laurenoyler">Lauren Oyler</a>, who tells us why honest cultural criticism is more important than ever, and recommends some books for our listeners to check out.  <br><br>New York-area listeners, join us for a live Unorthodox taping with guests Senator Joe Lieberman and Bart Campolo, host of the podcast <a href="https://bartcampolo.org/humanizeme">Humanize Me</a>, on Wednesday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan. Buy tickets <a href="https://ebiz.jccmanhattan.org/PersonifyEBusiness/Default.aspx?TabID=416&amp;pid=648364080&amp;_ga=2.182795750.1134758165.1517425509-922507407.1515010444">here</a>.  <br><br>We love hearing from our listeners! <a href="mailto:Unorthodox@tabletmag.com">Email us</a> or leave a message at our new listener line: 914-570-4869. We may share your note on the air.<br><br>Want more Unorthodox in your life? Join our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnorthodoxPodcast">Facebook group</a> to chat with the hosts and see what happens behind-the-scenes! <a href="http://bit.ly/UnorthodoxPodcast">Sign up for our weekly newsletter</a> to get new episodes, photos, and more. Show your love for Unorthodox with our new T-shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, and, of course, baby onesies. Get yours <a href="http://bit.ly/Unorthoshirt">here</a>. <br><br>This episode is sponsored by the Jewish Activism Summer School in Berlin. To learn more about the program, visit <a href="http://www.jassberlin.org">www.jassberlin.org</a>.