How To Surround Yourself With People Who Want The Best For You

The Darius Foroux Show: Master Your Productivity. Master Your Life. show

Summary: “You’re the average of the five people you spend your time with.” It has become such a cliché. But I don’t think that we truly understand the impact that other people can have on us. The great Stoic philosopher, Epictetus, said this in his Manual For Living ( “Avoid fraternizing with people who don’t share your values. Prolonged association with those with false ideas can only tarnish your thinking. Look at it this way. Would you give $1000 to the people in your life if they asked for it? If the answer is no, stop giving the people who don’t share the same values as you, your time. I’ve narrowed down the list of people I spend 90% of my time with to my direct family and my two best friends. Other than that, I spend my time working and exercising. That’s what I mostly do. And I’ve never enjoyed my life this much. So how do you surround yourself with people who want the best for you? Here are 5 tips: 1. Avoid toxic people 2. Get comfortable with being alone 3. Surround yourself with books, videos, podcasts, audiobooks of people you identify with 4. Find people who have virtuous values 5. Give, Give, Give Alternate A Manual For Living translation: Want to read more about this concept? Check out my article: P.S. Do you want to get my best productivity tips for free? I’ve made an eBook with 5 tips, exercises, and video training, that you can use to get immediate results. Curious? Get the book for free: