EP002: Nicolas Cole On Why Your Digital Brand Is More Important Than A Resume. - Angle Free IT

Angle Free IT show

Summary: <br> Here in Episode 002, We talk to Nicolas Cole, Founder of Digital Press and top Quora writer about building your brand online, and killing your resume. Definitely a great listen – even if you’re not in IT. You can find the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, RSS, and on my blog at <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2FAngleFreeIT.com%2F&amp;h=ATNpL0_xOIZXcDd0k2Dziwx5MN-zDjILYmT-SOXbdzHRSP1ijHlZ1ycadlfRFauoJB5pYo7UP-xyhNMkMcSmhp1-WOXIX5GWOJVDCGD6maX2-vVwiSreA_fMYumHpgUdIAsox72rdJs0Wyt-UR_Extg-_KwycaJUFNRe6CJ8bIuNt3BdjtbYc7tY-PnTC6LdVCnoOzMVJgAm37sx6OunzT20DDNP8ihrzTfqTR7EoZS9fg" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">https://AngleFreeIT.com</a><br> 00:00: Intro<br> 03:00: Nicolas Cole’s origin story and how gaming shaped his career.<br> 05:00: Why people know who Cole is who he is – ‘I Am The Brand’.<br> 07:45: What the hell is ‘building your brand’?<br> 10:00: Anyone can start this.<br> 11:15: “Everyday”.<br> 14:15: Quora is brilliant for building your brand.<br> 19:30: Sometimes, taking an opportunity is better than waiting for someone to tell you to do so.<br> 24:00: Cole shares about how people don’t prep for interviews, and why you’ve already failed if you do this.<br> 28:00: Cole reminds me to have compassion for people.<br> 30:30: Talking about finding a mentor, demonstrating you want to, and burning ships.<br> 38:00: Why providing solutions vs spotting problems gets you a job.<br> 42:00: “For the Horde” vs my boring ass Paladin.<br> You can find Nicolas Cole at his website, Digital Press, Right Here (https://www.digitalpress.com/) and personal blog at (https://nicolascole.com).<br> You can also find the article that made me say “I gotta talk to this guy” here:(https://www.inc.com/nicolas-cole/resumes-are-dying-heres-what-you-need-instead.html)<br> Feel free to reach out to Cole if you know some C-Suite person who needs some help with media!<br>  <br>  <br>