COMMENTARY: The Broken Hearts Club (2000)

HoopleCast: An IntroCast For HBO's Deadwood show

Summary: It's Valentine's Day, and whether you're single, married, coupled, or a member of Andrew Keegan's sex cult, HoopleCast wants you to know you are loved. That is why Matt, Claire, Will, Mel, and Matt H have recorded this unnecessary commentary track for the Timothy Olyphant-led ensemble flick The Broken Hearts Club colon A Romantic Comedy (2000). Although, calling this a "comedy," is a bit generous since everyone in this movie is a real candle-lighting, necklace-wearing, Carpenters-listening-to sad sack. Except Purple Guy. | Tags: Zack Braff's Hair, Talky Intellectual Gay, Gotta Go To Kentucky To Raise Men, Gays Grow On Trees Lesbians Grow On Bushes (ba-dum-dum), Secret Brit!, The Promiscuous Gay, Jennifer Aniston Traded Up, Olyphant's Arms Are Not On Point But He Has Very Perky Man Breasts, The Theatrical Gay, Dawson's Creek Shared Universe, Come Here And Let Me Fix Your Tits, Let's Join The Ladies And Make One Great Big Lady, Stop Harassing Your Brother For His Sperm, Dean Cain Conservative Question Mark, Zack Braff's Pants, We Have Not A Child Among Us, RSVP John Mahoney. | Send feedback to Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded: January 27, 2018. Released: February 14, 2018. [Warning: Explicit Language.]