Saturn in Capricorn: Major Themes From 2017–2020

The Astrology Podcast show

Summary: <br> In episode 140 of the podcast astrologers Austin Coppock and Patrick Watson join the show to talk about the transit of Saturn through Capricorn, which will occur from December 2017 through December 2020.<br> We begin the episode by talking about the natures of the planet Saturn and the zodiacal sign Capricorn, and how their significations have been conceptualized in both ancient and modern times.<br> <br> Eventually we move on to a discussion of some themes that have come up in the world during past transits of Saturn in Capricorn, and how we expect some of those themes to manifest during the current transit.<br> <br> Past natal and mundane examples are reviewed, followed by an overview of the next few years.<br> <br> For more information on this topic see <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Austin's article on Saturn in Capricorn</a>.<br> <br> See also Patrick's video workshop titled <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sunshine, Rainbows &amp; Daisies: Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn 2018-2020</a>.<br> <br> This episode is available in both a video and an audio version.<br> <br> Below you will find the show notes, followed by links to download or stream the recording of this episode of the podcast.<br> News and Announcements<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Our 2018 astrology calendar posters</a> are still available for sale, although there have been some shipping delays due to the poster tubes rolling off of conveyor belts and getting delayed in USPS's system.<br> <br> If you are experiencing a delay in receiving yours then please email Chris for tracking and more info on possible solutions:<br> <br> I'm switching to Amazon for shipping in order to resolve those issues, and you can already order <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the posters from them on this page</a>.<br> Show Notes<br> <br> * Review of Saturn's significations.<br> <br> * Reading passages from Vettius Valens and Richard Tarnas.<br> <br> <br> * Saturn ruling Capricorn.<br> * Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions triplicity cycle context.<br> * Saturn moving into conjunction with Pluto.<br> * Themes:<br> <br> * Imprisonment and fortification<br> * Planning and panic<br> * Fear. Heightened fear.<br> * History, the past, the dead<br> * Credit where credit is due<br> <br> <br> * Strategies/Advice:?<br> * Natal examples:<br> <br> * Michael J. Fox - November 13th 1990 - first sign of Parkinson’s during Saturn return<br> * James Earl Jones - “on a spring day in 1960” - “breakthrough opportunity as an actor” acting in Henry V in the first “Shakespeare in Central Park”, in same year played first leading role on the New York stage.<br> * Charles Dickens - role of Saturn in Capricorn in his life - focus of writings on poverty, hard times, misery based on experience of father in debtor’s prison, controversial Saturn return to America (Jan 3rd 1842), visited American prisons.<br> <br> <br> * The Saturn returns of the Uranus-Neptune-Saturn in Capricorn generation born in late 80s/early 90s.<br> * Historical Examples (Mundane):<br> <br> * US 29-32 - Federal Bureau of Prisons, Riker’s Island established<br> * 59-62 - Berlin Wall constructed,<br> * 89-92 - Berlin Wall falls, construction of Colorado Supermax Prison<br> <br> <br> * Timeline for the next few years:<br> <br> * 2018: Mars copresent in Cap for 3 months due to retrograde.<br> * 2019: SN in Cap (Solar Jan 5, Lunar July 16, Solar Dec 25!), Sat-Plut v. close, Sextile Neptune<br> * 2020: Lunar Eclipse in Cap, July 4th (!!!) Sat-Pluto complete in Jan. Jupiter copresent.