Embarrassing Moments

West Chester Story Slam show

Summary: Welcom to the West Chester Story Slam podcast, and the start of our ninth season!   Our 2018 season started with the theme “Embarrassing Moments!” Diane Yannick won the night with her touching story of a few recent embarrassing moments she has had, and how they’ve left her to reflect on her life. Here’s Diane. Diane has earned a slot in our Grand Slam, which will be in November. Congratulations Diane! If you’ve been thinking of telling a story but wanted some guidance, you might want to check out our storytelling workshop on Wednesday, March 21st. This is a two-hour workshop that covers what makes a good story, story structure, and creative language.  Our next story comes from Dara Zuckernick, who recalled an awkward night on the stage at a childhood concert. Here’s Dara.   Our final story is from Patrick Carmody, who discussed how the concept of parents who embarrass their children is a sort of family legacy. Here’s Patrick. If you are interested in attending one of our Story Slams live, here are some tips. West Chester Story Slam is held on the second Tuesday of the month. Seats do sell out so you want to plan ahead. And if you want to tell a story, buy your ticket and then see me - Jim - when you arrive! All the info you need can be found at wcstoryslam.com. If you are a fan of the West Chester Story Slam podcast - please let your friends know, or write a review on iTunes. We are also looking for a podcast sponsor for the 2018 season, if interested, email us at wcstoryslam@aol.com for more info.